To learn how to analyze DNA and how to measure the lengths of the strands of DNA we did the gel electrophoresis lab. We cut out DNA using restriction enzymes and tested their lengths by running them through a gel.

The pGLO lab incorporated all the things we had learned about biotech. We had several different samples of bacteria and treated each with different things. After the lab, as expected, the bacteria with the pGLO gene inserted, the ampicillin resistance, and the arabinose glowed under UV light.

I understood this unit pretty well. It was not very long and the hands on labs helped me in my understanding. While reading the concepts of the labs I was confused, but after doing the lab it made perfect sense to me why everything happened as it did. Seeing the concepts in action really helped me see what was going on. I wonder how biotech will play a role in society in the future. Will altering multi-cellular organisms be common? Will we ever alter human DNA or clone a human?
I think I have done a good job on my New Years resolutions. I finished my chapter notes early so I wasn't stressed or piled up with work. Also, I finished most of my homework assignments early or on time. I could still improve by preparing for tests sooner instead of procrastinating my studying.
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